How Can a Tutor Help with Study Skills?

Messy backpacks? Last minute cram sessions? Forgotten projects? Late assignments? Any of this sound familiar? We hear from parents all the time who feel exhausted with managing their child’s schoolwork.

It is no surprise that help with general study skills and organization is one of the most common requests we receive from parents. Families are looking for someone to help with organization, time management, long-term planning, keeping track of assignments, working memory strategies, independent study skills, and more. Our tutors can help!

  1. Ease the Burden: Keeping track of deadlines, due dates, and important exams is a full-time job, and a parent’s gentle reminders can feel like nagging which leads to even more frustration. Help with study skills, organization, and time management is often better received from a teacher or tutor than it is from a parent.

  2. Create A Plan: Tutors can help prioritize short-term and long-term work, and then create a plan to help students stay on track.

  3. Accountability: Once a plan has been made, tutors can hold students accountable for that plan, checking in at the next session or even sooner with a 30 minute virtual session in-between your regular sessions.

  4. Short Virtual Sessions: Did you know that our tutors offer 30 minute virtual sessions? This is a great way to check in during the week, and help stay focused on that plan as well as go over assignments and upcoming due dates.

  5. Understanding Learning Style: Many of our tutors have completed a Study Skills and Executive Functioning Training with our Mentoring Coordinator. This training equips our tutors to get to know each student and how he/she learns, studies, and manages schoolwork. Our tutors have resources to help a student thrive no matter the learning style.

We would love to step in and help with study skills and organization! Get in touch so we can start finding the best way to support your family.


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