
Fostering Independence in Middle and High School Students
Connections Academics Connections Academics

Fostering Independence in Middle and High School Students

n the fourteen years that I taught middle and high school, I saw the same scenario play out over and over. Well-meaning parents realized college was looming in the not-so-distant future, looked closely at their kids’ learning and study habits, and realized it was time to start fostering some independence. And of course, the logical way to foster independence is to take a step back, right?

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Summer is a time for learning, too!
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Summer is a time for learning, too!

School’s out for summer! It’s time to celebrate all the hard work that went into another academic year, and take a little break from the busy schedule that overtakes our lives during the winter.

But the break in the school year doesn’t – and shouldn’t – mean a break from all academic activity. In fact, wise use of the summer months can make or break the coming school year. The months of June through August offer a prime opportunity to catch up, work ahead, and otherwise prepare for the rigors awaiting in September.

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Making the Most of the End of the Year
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Making the Most of the End of the Year

As the school year comes to an end, now is the perfect time to get in touch with your child’s teacher one last time before summer vacation. Do not wait until the last week of school. This is a hectic time for teachers, and they may not be able to give you their full attention and insight if you contact them in June.

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Connections Updates-May 2017
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Connections Updates-May 2017

It’s hard to believe that the end of the school year is already here. Wasn’t it just August? It was a busy year at Connections Tutoring, and we’re grateful for each and every family that chose to partner with us. Just because school is ending doesn’t mean we’re taking a break for the summer. There’s a lot to be excited about in the coming months.

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Sleep, Academics, and ADHD: Not as Simple as it Sounds
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Sleep, Academics, and ADHD: Not as Simple as it Sounds

Every parent knows the value of a good night’s sleep for their child. For many parents, this is easier said than done. Studies consistently show that as children transition to adolescence, the number of hours slept each night drops. Approximately 60% of middle school students sleep less than the recommended 9 hours per night on school nights and this figure rises to almost 90% among ninth grade students and to 95% by the end of high school. Given the changes in the body and brain during adolescence, as well as increased academic and social demands, shortened sleep duration has become an area of concern for many parents and schools.

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15 Minute Reading Challenge
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15 Minute Reading Challenge

I know reading with my kids is incredibly important. I’m an English teacher, for heaven’s sake.  I also know reading needs to happen every day. And I know that for quite a while now, I’ve been doing an awful job of it. Reading with emergent readers isn’t exactly fun, especially for someone with a secondary mindset. It takes lots and lots of precious time while the “to do” list sits on the counter and seemingly gets longer by the minute. So even though my six-year-old has been reading to me every day, I recently realized that my approach wasn’t doing him any favors.

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The Power of Self-selected Reading
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The Power of Self-selected Reading

There is great power in choice. This is true for adults, and it is true for young readers. When every book is chosen for a reader, by either a parent or teacher, or worse, when students are restricted to books within their reading level, motivation and interest are quickly lost. One of the greatest ways to empower young readers is to teach them to independently choose books they will love. This will set them on a path to becoming a lifelong reader.

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January Newsletter
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January Newsletter

Happy January, Connections Families!

It is hard to believe that the school year is already (or almost) halfway over! As always, fall semester saw Connections students growing, learning, and challenging themselves to achieve academic success. We are so proud of the work our tutors and students are doing!

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Let the exam countdown begin…
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Let the exam countdown begin…

It’s December! All the joy and bustle of the holiday season is upon us, along with all the stress. If you have teenagers, your household is probably dealing with another source of stress: exams. Whether your school system gives exams before or after winter break, most likely you are seeing signs of the pressure your teen is under.

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Holiday gift ideas…. Great books for your favorite reader
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Holiday gift ideas…. Great books for your favorite reader

I love to talk books, and I am constantly on the hunt for books that will get students talking. I know I have found a winner when my younger students break into applause at the end or my older students create a list for who is next to borrow a chapter book.

The following recommendations are a few of my hot-off-the-press favorites, all published in the last two years, and books my students keep talking about.  A holiday break is around the corner – a time just begging for a new book. These would all make excellent holiday gifts or great finds at your library.

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Encouraging a love for writing
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Encouraging a love for writing

We were three months into the school year as I sat across the table from Anthony’s mom. Anthony was a strong student, particularly when it came to math and science. He devoured nonfiction books and could recall unusual facts with precise detail. He enjoyed school, participated in class discussions, and got along well with his classmates. I had only positive things to say about Anthony, but his mom was concerned. Anthony didn’t like to write. Furthermore, she wasn’t sure how to help him. As I discussed Anthony’s reluctance toward writing, his mom said something that has stuck with me for years.

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Maximizing the Impacts of Tutoring
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Maximizing the Impacts of Tutoring

If your family has used a Connections tutor at any point, you know tutoring is an investment in your child’s future.  For many families, that investment can be a sacrifice, so in this blog, we’ll be discussing ways to maximize the value of your child’s tutoring sessions. Your child’s tutor might have other, situation-specific suggestions for you; don’t be afraid to ask!

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Fostering a Love of Reading
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Fostering a Love of Reading

Whether you enjoy it or not, reading is an integral skill for educational success. When I was teaching middle school, my colleagues used to refer to the science and social studies tests as “the other reading tests” because in many ways, the student scores reflected more on their reading ability than their actual subject area knowledge. Almost every class a child takes will have a reading component: written texts, written instructions, written feedback, and written assessment questions. The stakes are just as high after graduation, where almost every real job requires reading comprehension skills.

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Summer Work
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Summer Work

If you are the parent of a school-aged child, you likely have a pile of paper in your kitchen that everyone is trying to avoid. That ominous pile is the summer work assigned by your child’s school – work that is traditionally put off throughout June and July, until suddenly August arrives with a deadline. Cue the tears and panic. Like its cousin, the science fair project, summer work tests the mettle of the strongest family, but it doesn’t have to be awful.

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2016 Spring Newsletter
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2016 Spring Newsletter

It is hard to believe that most schools are already in fourth quarter; the year has flown by!  Spring brings Advanced Placement tests, and our tutors are ready to help your son or daughter prepare.  We also have tutors who specialize in SAT/ACT preparation.  Strong scores on both the AP and college placement tests can ultimately save thousands of dollars in tuition; tutoring is a solid investment in your child’s  future.

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How to “study” for Mathematics courses
Connections Academics Connections Academics

How to “study” for Mathematics courses

After observing hundreds of math students over many years, from peers to students under my own instruction, I have noticed that one of the most difficult things to learn in math is not the content but often how to study the content. Math is unique from some other subjects in that looking through notes and examples, while somewhat beneficial, is often not enough to ensure an understanding of the material. Studying for math requires completing practice problems similar to those that may be included on an assessment independently and checking them for both correctness and completion

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The Different Looks of Tutoring
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The Different Looks of Tutoring

When you hear the word “tutoring”, most likely some preconceived ideas pop into your mind. Tutoring is commonly viewed as a solution for struggling students, a last-resort of sorts when all other interventions have failed, perhaps even a consequence for students who aren’t giving their best effort. In reality, tutoring relationships look very different depending on the unique need, and students and parents are using tutors to leverage learning potential in all sorts of creative ways.

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Meet our Administrative Team
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Meet our Administrative Team

Welcome to the Connections blog! We will use this platform to keep you in touch with Connections throughout the year, and share information about current trends in education!   

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Tutoring Helps Foster Self-Directed Learning
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Tutoring Helps Foster Self-Directed Learning

A lot has been written lately about the importance of self-directed learning. Students who fail to take ownership for their education do not grow; “Spoon feeding in the long run teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon.” 

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